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Seek Help With Cithrah

Every relationship encounters both positive and challenging phases. Whether experiencing harmony and commitment or disagreement and conflict, these fluctuations are natural in all relationships.

However, there are instances where issues remain unresolved. If one individual resorts to controlling behaviors, such as threats, fear tactics, verbal abuse, physical force, or emotional blackmail to assert dominance, this is not acceptable. It’s crucial to recognize that a fulfilling life after abuse is possible- at Cithrah, we are dedicated to supporting our service users on their journey to healing and empowerment.

Our Services

We offer a range of services for individuals and families in crisis.

Selah Accommodation

At Selah, we aim to provide a safe environment where women and their children can live without fear of abuse.

When We Can Help

When you feel you are ready.

Certain victims manage to leave abusive situations independently, however the path to seeking help may be prolonged, taking years. Others, unfortunately, may not realize that assistance is available and end up residing in a state of despair or denial.

It’s essential to understand that departing from an abusive relationship is a gradual process rather than a sudden event. Recognizing this journey as a process acknowledges the complexities involved and highlights the importance of ongoing support for victims and survivors.

How We Can Help

We aim to guide individuals toward safety by providing a secure space, offering advice and information.

Our services include counselling, a supportive presence, and opportunities for personal development.

We strive to instill life-building skills and living skills, fostering self-worth and providing direction for those seeking a positive transformation and a life after abuse.

What We Can Do

Need Advice On Domestic Abuse?