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Recognising Abuse

Abuse is never okay and should never be accepted.

Every relationship encounters both positive and challenging phases. Whether experiencing harmony and commitment or disagreement and conflict, these fluctuations are natural in all relationships.

However, there are instances where issues remain unresolved. If one partner resorts to controlling behaviors, such as threats, fear tactics, verbal abuse, physical force, or emotional blackmail to assert dominance, this is not acceptable. It’s crucial to recognize that life after abuse is possible, and at Cithrah, we are dedicated to supporting our service users on their journey to healing and empowerment.

What constitutes Domestic Abuse?

Any situation wherein the perpetrator takes part in threatening, controlling, coercive behaviour, physical violence or sexual abuse towards a current or former partner or family member. Domestic abuse can be experienced by anyone regardless of who they are.

Sexual Abuse

Unwanted physical touch, verbal objectification, unsolicited virtual/online communications of a sexual nature, revenge porn, coercion, exploitation or harmful behaviour- sexual abuse comes in many forms and can be a combination of various forms.

Sexual abuse can be experienced by any individual regardless of who they are.

Emotional Effects of Abuse

The emotional effect of any of these types of abuse can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, misuse of drugs, alcoholism, low self-esteem, hopelessness- the victim may also become withdrawn and disconnected from those around them.

Distress, grief, powerlessness a lack of self esteem can lead to a breakdown of healthy verbal communication and leave the victim unable to make decisions independently.

The Explosion 

It may seem strange to begin with the end, but this is not the case where Domestic Abuse is concerned. 

The end is the beginning of the cycle of abuse- the explosion may involve the perpetrator lashing out in some way. This does not necessarily mean they assault the victim physically- this could be anything from lashing out verbally to breaking the victim’s possessions.


After the explosion comes remorse and guilt. The abuser swears they are truly sorry and claims that this will never happen again. This is where the promises are made, and the victim is showered with love, gifts and affection.

The Hook of Hope 

This is the place of calm. It feels like things have settled down and everything feels ‘normal’ again. However, over time the apologies and presents become increasingly infrequent and can disappear altogether.

Honeymoon Period 

When less effort to gain forgiveness sets in, tensions begin to build again. Suddenly you are walking on eggshells and there is no way for the victim to predict what their partner is going to do or say. This leads to the ‘Explosion’ phase and the cycle begins again.

Can you see any of these signs?

If so, please contact us. We are here to help.

The Cycle of Abuse

What is Domestic Abuse?

Who Can Be A Victim of Abuse?

Mother or Father, Daughter or Son, Wife or Husband, Girlfriend or Boyfriend, Partner regardless of gender, Grandmother or Grandfather.
It doesn’t matter who you are! Anybody can be a victim to abuse.